Chilli Complete Arrangement

Chili complete management
Soil and Climate: Medium to black and well-drained soils are suitable for chilli cultivation. A good crop can be produced if the right amount of fertilizer is applied in light soil. Generally 75 cm. Dryland chillies can grow well in wet-retentive black loamy soils in rainfed areas. The land should be plowed and plowed and the land should be plowed.
Cultivation of land
The diseased canes of the early season crops in the field should be removed from the field
The field should be plowed vertically and horizontally.
While preparing the bed for crop cultivation, the bed should not be prepared in such a way that the direction of the bed is perpendicular to the direction of the wind which will make it difficult for the wind to flow. That is, the north-south bed should be demolished
Planting the right age plant while planting chillies. (35-40 days)
If possible, when preparing seedlings at home, a large size tray should be 102 and also when taking seedlings from the nursery, the seedlings should be 35 to 40 days old healthy seedlings.
So that the roots will not be crooked.
The distance between two beds should be 4 to 5 feet and the distance between two plants should be 1.5 to 2 feet.
Period of Chilli Cultivation
Chilli is grown in Kharif and Summer season. During the kharif season, chillies are cultivated from the second fortnight of May to the end of June. For the summer season, chillies are planted in January-February
Chilli varieties
Poppy Varieties Less Spicy – Rasi- Sonal / Ankur-930 / nongwoo – NW 7711 / JEWELRY / Namdev Umaji – Omega / SEMINIS-Sitara Gold GOLDEN SEED -Super Mahajwala / Kalash – Disha
DARK GREEN EXTRA INTENSE –ADVENTA- AK 47 / Mahiko – Teja 4 / Rashi – Pride 151 / NETHRA – ASTON - ANUSHAKA / Mahiko – VANTEJ / JK -ISHWARI / SYNGENTA- 5531 / BAYAR – LASER / Pancha Ganga -650 / KALAS -ALBELI 1483 - Mon 1481 /
Red for sale
- SEMINIS- Wonder Hot / BASF – Armor / Indo Bees - Windom-5 / SYNGENTA- 1048 / Baahubali
Basaldose should be filled in the bed itself at the time of preparing the bed
* To supply Chili with key nutrients*
(* Single Super Phosphate 2 bags 10:26:26 2 bags or * DAP 2 bags + Potash 1 bag)
* as well as other important nutrients *
Sulfaboost 2 kg + Riser-G 15 kg or + Magnesium Sulphate 10 kg + Limboli Paint 200 kg + Cartop Hydrochloride 5 kg (for control of soil pests)
* Wound Care in Chili Cultivation *
Mulching paper should be 25 to 30 microns.
At the time of planting, after giving good water, the planting should be done.
If possible, the plant should be treated before planting, with Trichoboost or good secreted Trichoderma in 1 liter of water at the rate of 5 grams of Trichoderma + 2 ml Rehansh or the same amount should be applied immediately after planting.
Care should be taken that the roots of the plant do not rot while planting
Most importantly, if you have planted chili mulching paper, place a paper cup in it immediately after planting so that the chili plants do not burn.
The following schedule should be used to get rid of the problems of yellowing of chilli plant on the bed after planting, reduction in the number of fruits, growth of flowers etc.
*Some Important Notes*
1) It should be checked that seedlings are planted if they are not dipped in Rehansh and Trichoboost.
Trichoboost 2 kg + Rehansh 500 ml per 200 liters quantity
2) After planting, seedlings should not die, turn yellow and rot
Therefore, after 5 days after planting, raiser 2 liters + Pixel 500 ml / Ridomil Gold 500 g Eliot 500 g per 200 liters should be spread in one acre.
3 One kg of good quality PSB in 200 liters of water about 10 days after planting
( P – BOOST ) + good quality KMB ( K -LIFT ) and good mycorrhiza like Mycostar 100 g per acre
Schedule from planting to pre-harvest
Paris 19:19:19 - 5 kg 3 times in 15 to 30 days
Paris 12:61:00 - 5 kg 3 times in 30 to 45 days
+ (Topping up 1 liter once for maximum burst)
Paris 13:40:13 - 5 kg 3 times in 45 to 60 days
Quantity per acre
*after every break*
First time Paris 12:61:00 - 5 kg once
2nd Time Paris 13:00:45 - 5 kg once
3rd time Big B 5-kg once
Quantity per acre
*Fertilizers to be given every month from the start of Chili harvest*
~ Magnesium Sulphate 5 kg + Sulfaboost 1 kg
~ Calcium Nitride 5 kg + Boostbor 500 kg
~ Ferrous EDTA 500 g + Zinc EDTA 500 g
~ Paris Sparsh 500 g - Saying task
~ Anti-Ox 250 ml - Telling the function
~ Raiser 2 liters and Mycostar 100 grams per acre should be alternately applied once a month.
Function of Anti-Ox
Anti-Ox is a 100% organic product. It has anti-oxidant. he
How does it work on the crop? Any plant or living organism has cells and those cells contain mitrochondria. Mitochondria give strength to the cell, if mitochondria are depleted any crop will go towards senility, anti-ox (anti-oxidant) charges mitochondria. Thus, a new vigor and youth is retained in the crop and thus increases the yield to a great extent.
Pest and Disease Management
Pests on chillies
Chili has a high rate of sap-sucking insects. Among them, insects, insects