Soybean Spray Schedule

Soybean Spraying Schedule
Sr. No. | Spraying | Names of Pesticides | Schedule
First Spraying
- Raze - 12 ml + Paris 19:19:19 – 75 gm
- Between 15-20 days after sowing
Second Spraying
- For Proper Growth:
- Xenop - 15 ml + Zep - 10 ml + Paris 12:61:00 - 75 gm
- For Low Growth:
- Xenop - 15 ml + Refresh 40 ml + Paris 19:19:19 - 75 gm
- Between 30-35 days after sowing
- For Proper Growth:
Third Spraying
- Eman - 10 gm + Panda Super - 30 ml + Visulf - 40 gm + Gajab - 5 ml
- Between 45-50 days after sowing
Fourth Spraying (if needed)
- Xenop - 15 ml or Coragen – 6 ml + Panda Super - 30 ml + Big-B - 100 gm + Bharari - 7 ml
- As needed
Yellow Mosaic Virus Start
- Dait - 20 ml + Tak - 50 ml
- As needed
(Note: The recommended dose is for 15 liters of ordinary or battery-operated pump or 10 liters of petrol pump. For a 22-liter pump, increase the quantity by 1.5 times.)
Soybean Fertilizer Management
Sr. No. | Soil Type | Names of Fertilizers (Per Acre) | Time to Apply
In fields with excessive growth
- Single Super Phosphate - 2 to 3 bags
- Along with or before sowing
In fields with moderate growth
- DAP or 12:32:16 or 14:35:14 - 1 bag + Granular Sulfur - 5 kg to 10 kg
- Along with sowing
In fields with low growth
- 20:20:0:13 or 24:24:00:08 - 1 bag
- Along with sowing
Soybean does not need additional fertilizers or urea after sowing. If fertilizers cannot be given with sowing, they should be sown along with the seeds. Use soluble fertilizers in spraying.