Product Details

Biological fungicides

P Boost DX

Mode of Action •

The Phosphorous Solubilising Bacteria in Phosphocea-HD secretes organic acids such as lactic, gluconic, fumaric, succinic and acetic acid, which converts insoluble tricalcium phosphate and rock phosphate into soluble form and other metabolically active Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) components that eventually improves overall plant health and productivity.


Benefits •

Encourages faster root growth for water and nutrient uptake.

• Produce organic acids which fastens the P₂O, and micronutrients uptake and increase yield.

• Increase resistance to diseases and drought tolerance.

Reduce the requirement of phosphatic fertilizer by 25% - 30%.

Target Crops

All type of crops like Paddy, Wheat, Cereals, Pulses, Vegetables and Horticultural crops.



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