Product Details

Biological fungicides

NPK Boost DX

Mode of Action

Bio-NPK is a microbial formulation which is able to fix atmospheric nitrogen, Solubilize phosphate and mobilize potash into available form, thereby supplementing balance nutrition to the crops.

• It converts non-available forms of some tightly bonded micro nutrients into available form.


• Increases utilization of atmospheric nitrogen.

• Solubilizes phosphate. unavailable form of

• Mobilizes and fixes the left over potash in the soil

• Increases yield and quality of the production.

Can reduce use of major fertilizers by 25 to 30 %.

Helps crop growth by absorbing more chemical fertilizers.

• Natural biostimulant.

• Maintains good quality of products.

Increases drought tolerance and reduces disease infestation.


Target Crops:  Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Groundnut, Sugarcane, Grapes, Pomegranate, Citrus, Banana, Tea, Coffee, Coconut, Flowers and Vegetables.

 Application:  DRIP, SOIL

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